Use Cases

RockTruck and Drivin: A Partnership in Logistics Excellence

Written by Francisca Peralta | Sep 25, 2023 2:08:30 PM


In the competitive world of logistics, efficiency and transparency are crucial for success.

RockTruck, a logistics operator based in Chile, has found in Drivin—a cloud-based Transportation Management System (SaaS)—the perfect ally to optimize its operations and offer excellent service.

In this interview with Natalia Olea,  Project and Last-Mile Operations Manager, we explore how implementing Drivin has transformed their business.


About RockTruck

Founded in 2018, RockTruck emerged with the ambition to revolutionize the logistics industry in Chile. With a dedicated and collaborative economic model, they started with just one third-party truck and one client, who was delighted with their service. They began in November 2018, with a revenue of USD$75K by year-end. By 2019, they billed USD$4MM, and currently, for 2023, they expect to close the year at least at USD$181MM.

RockTruck specializes in first and last-mile operations, dedicating approximately 60% of their efforts to the first mile. They also have a team of 125 collaborators. The company stands out for its flexibility and adaptability to the specific needs of each client. Currently, the company is planning expansion to other countries like Peru, Colombia, or Mexico.

Challenges they faced before Drivin

Before implementing Drivin, RockTruck faced multiple operational challenges that threatened their efficiency and market competitiveness.

  • Manual recording of trips and deliveries: The first obstacle was the reliance on manual records to document trips and deliveries. This method was not only prone to human errors, but also consumed valuable time that could have been used for more strategic tasks.
  • Lack of photographic evidence and digitized documents: The absence of a centralized digital documentation system made the company vulnerable to the loss of important documents, complicating the billing and payment process. "We downloaded documents from WhatsApp and then stored them in folders. We would also lose physical documents, or the carriers wouldn't deliver them," recalls Natalia. 
  • Absence of real-time delivery visibility: Another significant challenge was the lack of real-time visibility of deliveries. "We relied on what the carrier would tell us via phone calls or WhatsApp messages," says Natalia. This lack of real-time information not only generated uncertainty but also hindered quick and effective decision-making.
  • Lack of traceability: "We only used GPS tracking, which didn't allow us to have complete traceability of the route or the actual deliveries; we didn't know if the carriers had started the route, or if the delivery had even been carried out in the first place. We did a lot of phone or WhatsApp management, increasing the work hours of the coordinators, which in turn increased staffing costs."
  • Inefficiency in route management and coordination: Lastly, route management and coordination were inefficient. "We had very long delivery routes, with no capacity to optimize them; depending on the carrier and their street experience, which in most cases, was not the most optimal route, causing delays in deliveries," explains Natalia. The lack of a route optimization system resulted in late deliveries and, ultimately, a decrease in customer satisfaction.

The Drivin Effect

Over the past two years, the collaboration with Drivin has marked a turning point in RockTruck's trajectory, addressing the root challenges that had limited their growth and efficiency.

"The entire flow of each operation facing the carrier has been impacted," says Natalia Olea.

This transformation went far beyond surface-level changes; it fundamentally reshaped every facet of RockTruck's logistics ecosystem; from the moment a truck rolls into the distribution center, goes through the intricacies of the loading process and route initiation, as well as the ongoing management of the delivery routes; all the way to the handling of returned or rejected products via reverse logistics, Drivin has provided an unparalleled level of comprehensive and transparent oversight. This meticulous control over operations has been instrumental in elevating both the efficiency and reliability of our services.

Modules used

RockTruck uses several Drivin modules, from Resource Management, Planning, and Control Tower, to Notifications and Information, as well as Reports and Automations.

"We use many modules; when we start an operation, we activate the users and characterize the client in the Planning module," details Natalia.

Drivin offers a variety of modules that range from Planning, to Real-Time Tracking. This flexibility allows RockTruck to adapt the platform to the specific needs of each client, which is essential for maintaining a high level of personalized service.

Tangible Benefits

The ability to customize the platform for each client has not only improved operational efficiency but has also allowed RockTruck to scale its operations without technological constraints. According to Natalia, some of the most notable benefits have been:

  • Parameterization of various clients: "We can tailor settings for any client, enabling us to scale our operations without being held back by technological constraints."
  • Real-time monitoring: "The availability of real-time tracking empowers our control tower to instantly review protocols and issue timely alerts for delays, facilitating immediate corrective actions."
  • Unified Data Hub: "By consolidating route information from various clients into a single platform, we enable different departments to access and analyze data more efficiently."
  • Platform Stability and Dependability: "The platform is both robust and reliable. Unlike other systems we've used that suffer from connectivity issues, Drivin ensures that any interrupted sessions are updated upon reconnection, preventing any data loss."
  • User-Friendly Interface: "The platform offers a welcoming and intuitive user experience, allowing our clients to effortlessly track route progress online and access historical delivery reports."
  • Outstanding Customer Support: "The dedicated team that works with our clients makes the integration process straightforward. They employ a structured methodology that guarantees timely deliveries, adhering to defined timelines or sprints."

Concrete Improvement Data

The implementation of Drivin has led to quantifiable improvements in RockTruck's operations:

  • 100% visibility in operations, from the last mile to ramps.
  • 40% growth in cross-docking operations, demonstrating significant optimization in resource utilization.
  • 30% time reduction for analysts responsible for reviewing renditions, customer billing processes, and transport payments.

Additionally, Natalia points out the positive impacts that have been a direct result from their partnership with Drivin:

  • It opened doors for us to work with large clients, such as Falabella.
  • It allowed us to have 100% traceability of all our operations.
  • The platform has generated valuable reporting for our clients.
  • We've been able to measure performance KPIs regarding our carriers, allowing us to provide constant training and reinforce best practices for an impeccable operation.

Experience with the Drivin Team

Natalia highlights the availability, closeness, and expertise of the Drivin team, from the onboarding process, to their ongoing support.

"We're going onto 2 years of being partners with Drivin," begins Natalia, underlining the durability of this strategic alliance. The onboarding process was not merely a formality but an integral experience that marked the beginning of a fruitful relationship.

Ingrid Vigoya introduced us to the platform and trained us on several occasions until we understood the logic behind using Drivin," recounts Natalia.

This educational approach not only facilitated a smooth transition but also empowered the RockTruck team to maximize the platform's capabilities from day one.

But the support didn't end there;

“We now have a Customer Success team; where we work with Jorge Brevis, who has supported us in integrations and platform queries," adds Natalia.

This level of ongoing support has been crucial for adapting to emerging challenges and continuously optimizing operations.

Additionally, RockTruck has found invaluable support in Drivin's chat. "It's very effective, fast, and offers great support whenever we're stuck with an event," highlights Natalia. This immediate communication channel has been especially useful for solving problems in real-time, ensuring that RockTruck's operations remain smooth and efficient.

Closing comments

For RockTruck, Drivin is not just a TMS, but a strategic partner that facilitates its growth and optimization. Natalia recommends implementing a TMS like Drivin for any company looking to automate and make their logistics chain more efficient.

"The human team behind it are people who care, advise, and provide support to continue growing as an organization," concludes Natalia Olea.

With such concrete results, it's clear that the alliance between RockTruck and Drivin is a success story that marks a before and after in Chilean logistics. "We thank the Drivin team for the opportunity and the good relationship we have had since we started this alliance," concludes Natalia.

If you'd like to know how Drivin can help your logistics operation, leave your contact details in the form below, and a team representative will get in touch!